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Society for the Environment

Showcase your expertise. Become a Chartered Environmentalist or Registered Environmental Technician.

Through Royal Charter, the Society for the Environment is the body responsible for the registration of environmental professionals. The Society registers individuals as Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) and Registered Environmental Technician (REnvTech) via its 24 Licensed Professional Bodies. Since 2004 the Society has established a sound platform as the body tasked with championing and registering the expertise of environmental professionals.

Being a CEnv or REnvTech is about having the professional knowledge, experience and commitment to apply sustainable thinking throughout your daily working life. Professional registration is widely recognised as a mark to be trusted and carries a strong reputation for quality around the world.

Our 24 Licensed Bodies cover sectors such as engineering, construction, environmental management, environmental sciences, agriculture, fisheries, water, energy, waste management, surveying and arboriculture. To become a CEnv or REnvTech you much apply via one of our Licensed Bodies as a member.

To find out more about becoming a CEnv or REnvTech - or indeed a licensed professional body, please visit or contact our team on or +44 (0) 345 337 2951.