Free webinar

Ahead of our 2019 Environment Analyst Business Summit: Capitalising on a Climate of Uncertainty (19 June, London), roundtable speaker Krista Patrick, Natural Capital Coordinator, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, will hosted a free webinar on delivering a natural capital approach in Greater Manchester. Krista will provide an overview of the natural capital work delivered to date including the production of a set of natural capital accounts, ecosystem services opportunity mapping and the recently launched Natural Capital Investment Plan, the first of its type for a UK city region.

Webinar recording:

Speaker: Krista Patrick, Natural Capital Coordinator, Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Krista has over 20-years’ experience of working as an environmental planner in the public, private and community sectors and joined the Greater Manchester Combined Authority as Natural Capital Coordinator in 2016.  In this role, Krista provides strategic support on delivering a natural capital approach as part of the Natural Course EU LIFE Integrated Project, Greater Manchester Urban Pioneer Project and the Greater Manchester Natural Capital Group.  Current projects include the development of a set of natural capital accounts and ecosystem services opportunity mapping, a natural capital investment plan looking to mobilise existing and new sources of funding and biodiversity net gain guidance to support planning policies set out in the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.