
Speaker profile

Patricia Willoughby

Patricia Willoughby

Head of Policy - Housing and Regeneration, West Midlands Combined Authority

Pat Willoughby has extensive experience working in strategic planning, housing and regeneration for a variety of public and private sector organisations.  She was a planning director of David Lock Associates leading multi-disciplinary teams in the preparation of master plans, development frameworks and strategic planning strategies.  As planning partner at Wei Yang & Partners, she was the principal author on their shortlisted submission for the Wolfson Prize on garden cities.  Most recently, she led the local authority and LEP partnership preparing the strategic growth plan for Leicester & Leicestershire.  At the West Midlands Combined authority, she works with local authorities and LEPS to support the delivery of new homes and jobs.  Place-making and inclusive growth lie at the heart of this work and remediating and re-using brownfield land is critical to its success.